Cheers to 1 year!

“A dream is a wish your heart makes…”

Cheers to 1 year, Southern Charm Prep!

1 year, 365 days, however you measure it…It’s been one year of Southern Charm Prep, the blog.

letter board

It’s so hard to believe, y’all!

After years of going back and forth, thinking about starting a blog, talking myself out of it & talking myself back into it, I did it. I didn’t know what to expect, didn’t know what to write. Would anyone read it? What would people think about it? Would I have anything to say?

A lot of questions…and not many answers.


But, after chatting with some friends, talking with Hubby & a whole lot of self reflection, I decided to take the plunge…because, who cares if anyone reads it…who cares if anyone even likes it. I started this blog for me. I wanted it to be a space to be creative, share my southern lifestyle, my love for Central Kentucky and most of all to be me.

My favorite part since launching Southern Charm Prep- the community. The blogging community is so welcoming. I have met some of the sweetest gals & made amazing friends. We support one another, chat about ideas, work together…so much more than I could have ever expected or imagined, & y’all, I love it!

Kentucky Bloggers

So, as I sit here writing this, 1 year may seem like nothing, but it’s a milestone. I feel like milestones give us a chance to hit the refresh button & give us a chance to reimagine what we want. For me, this milestone is a reminder to why I launched Southern Charm Prep & what I want for its future. So, cheers to 1 year y’all & so many more to come!


I’d like to give some huge thank you’s!

First, thank you to Hubby! Thank you for giving me the courage & confidence to launch this space. Thank you for being my sounding board, my cheerleader, for reading all of my posts & even being my photographer sometimes. I could not do this without you! I love you so much!

Thank you to Momma! From the earliest times I can remember, You always told me to follow my dreams, no matter what they be. Thank you for always encouraging me, giving me advice & so much more! I would never be the lady I am today without you!

A huge thank you to my sweet friend, Cece! Years ago, Cece & I worked together, becoming the best of friends. Whether we’re having coffee, chatting about our dreams or taking photos, I absolutely love our time together. Thank you for all of your advice, reading my material before Southern Charm Prep even launched & thank you, thank you for all of your talented photography skills. Y’all, if you’re looking for a talented photographer, go check out Cecelia Paige Photography! You’ll, not only, get great photos, but also make a sweet friend!

Finally, thank you to my blogger friend, Celeste, author of Parenting and Heels! After my first blogger meet-up event, Celeste & I chatted on Instagram & instantly clicked, becoming the best of friends! Celeste, thank you for encouraging me, cheering me on, and, most importantly being my friend.