Hand Lettering

“Creativity Never Goes Out Of Style”

Let’s face it y’all, there’s only so much TV and Netflix you can watch. Don’t get me wrong, I like to “quarantine-and-chill” as much as the next person, but at some point, I had to get creative.

Something I’ve learned about myself during this COVID-19 quarantine, I like to discover old hobbies.


This week, I pulled out my old Hand Lettering 101 book. I ordered the book on Amazon a few years ago and had fun learning, but then got busy.

So, a quarantine seems like the perfect time to get back into it, right?

If you’re looking for a creative outlook, I absolutely recommend it!

Hand Lettering 101
Learning the letters

I grabbed a sketchbook and my collection of Sharpees and went to work.

This time can be filled with anxiety. boredom and much more. Having hand lettering as a creative outlook has given me a sense of comfort and relaxation.

When you start out, Hand Lettering 101 gives you all the tools you need. You begin by tracing the individual letters, then learn how to connect the letters and finally, make words.

Since I started learning a few years ago, I just picked up where I left off. Of course I had to practice a few letters, but then, got the hang of it.

I think it’s important for all of us to find hobbies during this time. It gives us an outlet to occupy time, relax and release some nervous energy.

in it for the long haul
mr and mrs hand lettering
Be still and know hand lettering